The Award Catalina Mendoza Arredondo Encouraging Research on Integrative Medicine has the objective to support and encourage research on this discipline of medicine in order to foster investigative participation, and to acknowledge the ones who are committed to make research on it.

Participation is possible for investigators, teachers, and any person from any public or private institution that may be interested in the research of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

Traditional Medicine in different parts of the world represents a fundamental pillar for health and any of its complements. Traditional medicine must demonstrate its quality, safety and efficiency in order to assist people on any healthcare issue.

During the second half of the XX century and the first decades of the XXI century, technologic and investigative innovations in the medical area made a major advance in the attention of the three levels of health.

This way, its quality was improved, it became more efficient, and it is available for more people around the world.
However, we cannot deny that there are several communities and groups that due to economic, geographic, or cultural reasons; do not have access to any health assistance or primary attention in the way they should have it.

In many of those communities, traditional and complementary medicine develop a fundamental role on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of specific diseases and health complaints.

Even in the areas where people have access to health assistance and primary attention, traditional and complementary medicine may be crucial in the prevention and treatment of specific diseases and health complaints.
The World Health Organization in its report about Strategies on Traditional Medicine 2014 - 2023, upholds the role of it on prevention and treatment. Besides, it claims for the integration of it on the national health systems to guarantee the best treatment to patients, and also to offer the best conditions on medical assistance.
In order to combine those reasons, and as a homage to the works performed by Dr. Honoris Causa Catalina Mendoza Arredondo in the area of health, Congregación Mariana Trinitaria opens the convocation to the “Award Catalina Mendoza Arredondo Encouraging Research on Integrative Medicine”, with the following objectives:

Foster participation on research projects that deepen in the knowledge of traditional and complementary medicine, which has been scarcely developed in specialized studies.

Promote a closer relationship based on dynamics and collaborations between Congregación Mariana Trinitaria, and the scientific and academic community.

Contribute to the acknowledgement of the people who focus on the study and research of traditional and complementary medicine.

Spread the reputation of traditional and complementary medicine as the resource that currently improves the quality of life of people.

This convocation is addressed to all the researchers and teachers that develop their works on the area of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, who are currently involved in the development of research projects that may become a tangible benefit to society.